

Goodbye 2014 & Hello 2015!

As for 2014, you have been a fantastic year to me. Not only that Germany stole my heart, it has also been a place I called home for the past nine months. Its going to be harder to say goodbye than I thought. I had the opportunity to experience a different culture entirely in a different language. Along with meeting many beautiful faces of whom will be long term friends wherever we are in the world. Thank you Skype! Looking back on this year, there is nothing I regret. I am glad I made that spontaneous decision during the cold winter days of Canada. There is nowhere else I would rather be at this moment. I have learned and grown a lot more here than I ever did during my university days. For 2015, I want nothing more than it to be just as amazing as this year with many adventures and experiences.

Always chasing the sun.

How to make 2015 your year

Make traveling a priority. The more you see, the more you know.
Traveling does not come cheap but there are countries out there that allows you to travel on a budget. & there are ways of finding cheap flights.
Stop trying to change yourself, but work on those areas where you can improve.
You can easily say, do more of this and that. Looking at the good and bad aspects of 2014, challenge yourself to be better. It is all in the state of mind.
Forget those new years resolution, majority of us make them mainly feeling the pressure of new year, new you! But how many of us actually keep them? I find it a disappointment on myself so instead on resolutions, set intentions. It focuses on the bigger picture rather than small aspects of our life and align them to both your personal and professional life.
Always chasing the sun with him.
New year, beautiful view.

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