Traveling abroad: Stages of culture shock.


Culture shock is a common psychological adaptation to new environments. For any travelers out there, you can expect feeling this at some point on your adventure.
Culture shock comes in four stages:
1. Honeymoon
The most magical phase, you are excited and intrigued by your new surroundings. Holding closely those comforted moments of home.
2. Crisis
At some point abroad, all the changes in language and values will have some form of an affect on you causing anxiety and the feeling that you are alone in this world. However, don't let this scare you from new experiences - this is normal. You are just reconnecting with yourself.
3. Recovery
The acceptance of the cultural differences, you begin to feel comfortable with your new situation. Often time, this comes hand in hand with the improvement of lingual skills.
4. Adjustment
Every journey has an end, and adjustment is probably second best to the honeymoon phase. You will begin to enjoy your new culture that you have completely immerse yourself in for x amount of months. Of course, there will be moments of anxiety BUT that is normal. You will begin to make choices based on your values and preferences.
So when you do reach this moment, pat yourself on the back or self hi-5.

You have conquered culture shock!

I am reaching about a month into my new adventure & never have I ever felt so alone... I definitely threw myself to the wolves, not knowing anything about the culture or language. I packed up my bags and left my comfort bubble and moved to Germany. This is what I wanted and anticipated for at least, that is what I kept reminding myself. I know at the end of the day, everything will be okay - I just need to remember that I currently in the crisis stage of culture shock, it, like most things will pass. .


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