Germany: wine festivals


Welcome to Radebeul Herbst und Weinfest!
As leaves change colours from summery greens to beautiful warm red, orange and yellows. It is also, when Biergarten switches over to Weingarten serving specialty wines such as federweißer or glühwein. One way to celebrate the end of summer is through the numerous weinfest that goes on throughout the months of September and October. Wine and chilly nights goes hand in hand. Regardless, of how much I miss the summer sun...

Autumn, we welcome you with opening arms.

Well at least, I do.
Classic deutscher Federweisser.

Also comes in various flavours.

These German folks.

Theater show in the middle of a field.

Wooden art.

Burning love. Radebeul herbst und weinfest finale.
A little break from wine.

Next stop: Munich's Oktoberfest!

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